Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My 10 Year Anniversary Ring

Natural Alexandrite and Diamond Ring
 Our 10 year 'dating' annivesary is on October 19, 2012 (we've been married for 8 years).  This year is pretty special, I think more than our official 10 year wedding anniversary, since he told me he wanted to marry me after knowing each other for just three weeks.  I wanted to wait until I graduated college to get married, so hence the two years difference.  I've wanted an alexandrite for a very long time, and my husband has no clue about jewelry style, so he was cool with me designing a ring.  BUT, he added, I could only get the ring when I got to my goal weight.  My husband and I have both struggled with weight, we both looooove to eat.  After the birth of my son I lost the weight easily but starting a new job where I was eating out every day saw the weight pack back on.  Since November 2011 I've gained 25 lbs. We went on Jenny Craig together last month, but haven't been really all that diligent-- so this was definitely motivation for us both!  I purposefully made the ring a full size smaller as a deal (that's why it's tight in the pic below).

Well the ring is ready and purchased.  Jared had a big customer appreciation deal last week and we went ahead and purchased it to get $400 off the price.  Heck yeah!  So the ring is now in our possession, but I can't wear it!!  I've been so diligent with the diet and I'm so ready to get that gorgeous ring on my finger for good!   This is the best motivation to lose weight that I've had since the wedding!

I never thought I would be able to afford a natural Alexandrite stone that had decent color change, but I looked around and designed this custom ring with the help of the jewelers at Jared the Galleria of Jewlery in Frisco, TX.  The center stone is a 1/2 c. natural alexandrite and I had two princess cut 1/4 c. earrings that my husband gave me eons ago, before he realized I don't wear earrings.  They incorporated the earrings as side stones, along with a halo setting, and diamonds and scrollwork in the white gold band.  The color change on this stone is amazing!  It goes from blue-green to green to purple just by moving it around in the light.   
Side View: Embellished Scrollwork and Cutouts

Natural Alexandrite
Alexandrite Color Change:  Blue-Green to Purple

I love the colors!

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